Planning & Zoning Minutes provide important information about advice provided by the Church Hill Planning Commission to the Church Hill Town Commissioners regarding all matters relating to the orderly growth and zoning matters in the Town of Church Hill.
The planning commission consists of 5 members, one of which is a town commissioner. Members serve a 5 year term and are subject to reappointment. The Planning Commission selects a chairman, vice chairman and secretary from its membership. The chairman serves for 1 year and is subject to reappointment.
The most current minutes are not posted until they are approved at the following month’s meeting. The commission meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at the town hall unless otherwise posted.
Physical Address: 406 Main Street
Mailing Address: PO Box 85
Church Hill, MD 21623-0085
Phone: (410)758-3740
Fax: (410)556-6635
Hours of Operation: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday – Friday (Closed Weekends & Holidays)
Town Meetings: 1st and 3rd Monday
6:00 pm at the Town Hall
Town Administrator
Nancy J. Lindyberg
Administrative Assistant
Virginia Albers
[email protected]
Commission President
Charlie Rhodes
[email protected]
John P. Griffin, Jr.
[email protected]
Margaret L. Coursey
[email protected]