Minutes of Town Meeting
August 7, 2023

President Charles M. Rhodes, Jr. called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present were Town Commissioner Edward Raffetto, Jr., and Town Administrator/Clerk, Nancy J. Lindyberg. Commissioner John Griffin was not in attendance. President Rhodes dispensed with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Raffetto moved to approve the minutes of July 17, 2023, as written. President Rhodes seconded the motion.  The motion passed 2-0.

Committee Reports:

Planning and Zoning:  Janet Rochester, Chairperson, said there was nothing to report.  The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

Board of Appeals:
  Nothing to report.

Budget Status Report
:  Each Commissioner received copies of the General and Sewer Accounts and reviewed same.

Unfinished Business: 

Town Hall Repair and Renovation:   Ms. Lindyberg advised that she spoke with the contractor, Karl Zierfuss  and he said that he intends to start the work the last week of August 2023.

QAC Library Book Mobile: The book mobile will be in Church Hill August 17 and 31 at the corner of Main Street and Church Lane from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Maryland Food Bank Food Truck
:  The Maryland Food Bank food truck will be at the Church Hill Park, 1130 Sudlersville Road on Thursday, August 17, 2023 from 12pm to 2pm.

Cell Tower Construction Status
: President Rhodes advised that the cell tower is now functioning.  Everyone with Verizon Wireless as their provider are experiencing better service. There are four more locations on the tower for additional cell service providers.

Speed Camera Project
: President Rhodes advised that Town has been working on this project since 2019.  The representative the Town was negotiating with had left the company prior to the completion of negotiations.  He further advised that he met with the new representative from Red Speed, the speed camera company, and the project is again moving forward.

: The Town has had numerous complaints regarding the overgrown vegetation at 336 Walnut Street because it had become a traffic safety issue for neighbors entering and exiting their driveways.  After consulting with the Town's attorney, the Town's grass cutting contractor has removed the overgrown vegetation because of the safety issue.

New Business:

Correspondence: None

Resealing of Parking Lot at 102 Walnut Street
:  Ms. Lindyberg advised that the parking lot at 102 Walnut Street is due to be resealed again this year.  Ms. Vickie Crabtree, the contractor, said that she would do the resealing again and stated that due to the rise in the cost of materials she would need to charge $1500 as opposed to $1400 last year.

Commissioner Raffetto moved to have Ms. Vickie Crabtree reseal the parking lot at 102 Walnut Street and agree to the $100 raise in the price.  President Rhodes seconded the motion.  The motion passed 2-0.

Sewer System:

Flow Reports: Each Commissioner has a copy of the latest report from Maryland Environmental Service.

  The Town will meet with the engineer to discuss the proposed updates to the Waste Water Treatment Plant.

   Mrs. Mellissa Rochester asked if the Town now owns the streets in Church Hill Hunt.  President Rhodes said that Oakmont Avenue and the streets west of Oakmont Avenue are now owned by the Town.  She also asked if the new builders have permits yet to begin building in Church Hill Hunt.  Ms. Lindyberg advised that they do not.

Ms. Janet Rochester mentioned that the grass on the lots owned by Queen Anne's County Housing Authority need to be cut.  Ms. Lindyberg will call them and advise them to cut the grass.

Commissioner Raffetto made a motion to adjourn the meeting. President Rhodes seconded the motion.  The motion was passed 2-0.  The regular session was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.

The next Town Meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 21, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy J. Lindyberg
Town Administrator/Clerk

I hereby certify that the forgoing is a true and accurate record of the open Town Meeting held by the Town Commissioners of Church Hill on Monday, August 7, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

Charles M. Rhodes, Jr.