Minutes of Town Meeting
March 7, 2022

President Charles M. Rhodes, Jr. called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.  Present were Town Commissioner John P Griffin, Sr. and Town Administrator/Clerk, Nancy J. Lindyberg. Commissioner Edward C. Raffetto, Jr. attended via telephone.

Commissioner Raffetto requested that wording from the Proclamation for Pauline Thompson be included in the minutes of February 7, 2022.  The Commissioners agreed to attach a copy of the Proclamation to the end of the minutes.

Commissioner Griffin moved to approve the minutes of February 7, 2022 as amended.  Commissioner Raffetto seconded the motion.  The motion passed 3-0.

Committee Reports:

Planning & Zoning:  Mrs. Janet Rochester stated that there was a meeting on February 14, 2022 concerning above grade living space/maximum square footage for Church Hill Hunt. Mr. Davidson, the builder, and several residents of Church Hill Hunt were at the meeting.  The Planning Commission decided to have a continuation of this meeting on February 21, 2022.  The Commission decided that they would not permit one story homes to be built, only two story to be similar to the home already there.  There will be a Planning and Zoning meeting on Monday, March 14, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. and a written decision will be presented to the Committee for approval.

Board of Appeals:
  Nothing to report.

Budget Status Report
:  Each Commissioner received a copy and reviewed same.

Unfinished Business: 

Verizon Wireless Service Issues/Status:  President Rhodes stated that since our last meeting we have been contacted by a sub-contractor for Verizon Wireless and discussions have begun regarding installing a cell tower in the Church Hill area.

Delmarva Power to Transition Remainder of Street Lights to LED Fixtures:  The list of lights to be converted to LED have been submitted to Delmarva.  Also new areas have been identified where new lights were requested to be installed.  This is all to be done at no cost to the Town.

Speed Study/Traffic Count:
President Rhodes has not heard back from the Speed Camera vendor as of yet.  Preliminarily, they have to do another speed study in Church Hill and then the information is to be shared with State Highway for their approval and designation of a school zone for the speed camera.  The Sheriff's Office would then be contacted to provide the camera monitoring service for Church Hill.

Other:  None

New Business:

Correspondence:  The Town received a thank you note from the family of Rogers Smith and a note from the Church Hill Volunteer Fire Company thanking the Town again for the generous donation.
The Town also received a letter from the Auditors informing the Town that their firm will no longer be conducting the audit of the Town, effective February 9, 2022.

Council of Governments Meeting:
  The meeting will be Wednesday, March 9, 2022 hosting by Queen Anne's County in Centreville.

FY 2022 Tax Sale
:  This year all properties with delinquent sewer bills and grass cutting bills will be sent to Queen Anne's County for Tax Sale on May 17, 2022 conducted on line using Real Auction.

Maryland Food Bank Truck
:  The Town was contacted by the Maryland Food Bank of the Eastern Shore and asked if they could send a Food Truck to Church Hill to distribute food to those in need.  The Commissioners have arranged for the Food Truck to be located at 552 Main Street, Church Hill and it will be here Thursday, March 17, 2022 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and will be in Church Hill every other month.
Other:  None

Sewer System:

Flow Reports:  Each Commissioner had received a copy of the report and reviewed same.

South Pump Station Inspection and Pump Repairs: DSI & Mr. Rooter were onsite Tuesday, March 2, 2022.  They unhooked and pulled the piping between pump 1 and where it ties into the force main. DSI did find that the check valve for pump 1 was bad due to a large rock being stuck in the check valve. They had a check valve in stock and were able to replace it. DSI also found that the check valve for pump 2 was bad. They did not have any more in stock so they have ordered one. Once it is received DSI will schedule to come back onsite and replace it.  Mr. Rooter used their camera on the line and found no obstructions.

Other:  None

  Janet Rochester thanked the Commissioners for the card expressing sympathy for the loss of her sister.
Mr. Phil Hurlock asked about the proposed building in Church Hill Hunt.  President Rhodes said that everything is still in the discussion process.

Commissioner Raffetto moved to adjourn the meeting.   Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion.  The motion was passed 3-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m.

The next Town Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 4, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy J. Lindyberg
Town Administrator/Clerk

I hereby certify that the forgoing is a true and accurate record of the open Town Meeting held by the Town Commissioners of Church Hill on Monday, March 7, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Charles M. Rhodes, Jr.


WHEREAS, Pauline "Polly" Schuyler Thompson, a valued resident of the Town of Church Hill, died on November 26, 2021, just four days short of her 97th birthday; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Thompson was a dedicated and civic-minded person who possessed a calm and always-pleasant manner and was a welcoming, motherly figure for generations of Church Hill children; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Thompson served for many years on the Town's Elections Board and for many years cleaned and tidied the Town's offices; and
WHEREAS, the Town Commissioners and the residents of the Town will sorely miss her friendship along with her valued contributions,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED that the Commissioners of Church Hill hereby honor Pauline Schuyler Thompson for her many contributions to the well-being of the Town and its residents.
INTRODUCED AND PASSED at a regular Town Meeting held on February 7, 2022.


_____________________                                               _________________________________
Nancy Lindyberg                                                    Charles M. Rhodes, Jr., President
Town Administrator/Clerk
                                                                John P. Griffin, Sr., Commissioner
                                                                      Edward C. Raffetto, Jr., Commissioner